Gender Bending Feminine Cuckold

Little did I know four years ago that I would find myself crossdressing as a part of the D/s lifestyle....honestly, it had never really occured to me.  But, over the first couple of years of our new relationship a couple of things happened to make feminazation a large part of the experience for me...first, Jan wanted to use a little feminazation as part of my submissive training - and it quickly became apparent that I had a very good body for the clothes and that I enjoyed dressing up - so, Jan decided that she would use the crossdressing to push my limits and have me dress up and then go out in public...and I loved it!  Somewhere along the line I realized that one of the aspects of my submission to women was that I thought they were so amazingly beautiful and sexy....and I found I enjoyed being one of them.....

In the last couple of years I have gone out with Jan on some double dates....her with a lover and me with another one of her is hilarious- trust me. 

I am very fit - 5''11"' and 165 pounds - athletic legs - and from there is is fairly easy to create a rather presentable girl.  At this point I have to give a shout out to a web site called TG taught me SO much!  The essentials are makeup, breasts, wigs, heels....and lots of attitude!  There are some things I really have to do to pull it of them is shaving my arms and legs....the harder one is learning a female voice....I discovered the best method for me was to impersonate a female friend from Austin, TX- her voice allows me to sound VERY sexy.

If you haven't tried crossdressing - you really should....